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Contactless Power Systems

High equipment utilisation with low operating costs.

The Contactless Power System is an Inductive power transmission system, which provides automated, that is fully intervention free, and efficient battery charging for all kinds of vehicles, for industrial trucks and most other similar vehicles.

  • Maintenance-free and thus, there can be high equipment utilisation with low operating costs.
  • No limit to travelling speed or rate of acceleration for the mobile power load.
  • No noise and contact brush dust as the current transfer occurs without direct contact.
  • Large runway tolerance due to permissible air gap between pick-up coil and primary winding.
  • Unlimited use even under extreme environmental conditions, e.g. dust, water, ice, winds etc.
  • High efficiency due to optimum component selection and use of state-of-the-art power electronics.
  • Can be implemented in public areas which means there would be no need to go to a designated area for charging

The Contactless Power System represents a technological breakthrough in the development of power transmission to mobile devices, such as crane systems, elevators, traffic systems, floor transport systems, electrical monorail systems etc.

This system has been tested and certified by competent, independent institutions. It is intrinsically safe as the track supply de-energizes the primary coil when the vehicle is off the charging position.

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Contactless Power Systems

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Contactless Power Systems

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